zoning ordinance passed

April 12th, 2011 by caitlyn

It’s official. The zoning legislation passed its final reading by the Board of Supervisors today! As soon as the mayor signs, gardeners across San Francisco will be able to grow and sell their produce in all neighborhoods of the city. This is wonderful news for San Francisco and for the urban agriculture movement in general, and it is incredible (and long awaited) news for us! We are ready to finally let this farm grow.

Of course there are many people in the city to thank – folks in the planning department and mayor’s office, the SFUAA and supporters across the city who wrote letters, signed petitions, and showed up to City Hall hearings. But someone who also deserves credit for the success of this legislation is, without a doubt, Eli Zigas. Eli, you organized, coordinated, researched, wrote, edited, facilitated, and rallied steadily for almost a year, leaving no detail forgotten, all on your own volunteer after-hours time, all because you care about helping agriculture to thrive in our city. You are something else and we as a community are lucky to have you. While the Mayor and City get press and accolades in the upcoming months for doing their jobs the way we all hoped they would, we will remember that you, along with the rest of the volunteer committee of urban ag advocates, deserve just as much thanks.

Nice work San Francisco!

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