great upcoming SF events

September 14th, 2011 by caitlyn

Justice Begins with Seeds Conference (part of GMO Awareness Week)
September 16th and 17th at the Women’s Building (3543 18th St)

The conference will focus on hands on workshops and panels on how to build alliances, how to start a rights based campaign, and how to get involved with GMO labeling initiatives throughout California. People from different organizing contexts will have the space to discuss, share strategy and build the movement to address the corporate food regime, encouraging people to actively take on the issue politically. Register here:

Mayoral Candidates Forum “Our Food, Our Schoolyards, Our Water”
Monday September 26th, 6:30-8:30pm at the LGBT Center (1800 Market St)

The SFUAA has come together with our allies from the SF Green Schoolyard Alliance and the Bay Area Water Stewards to put on this special evening. It will be a unique opportunity for you to connect with the candidates and learn about their perspective and position on issues related to urban agriculture, schoolyard greening, and the city’s management of water resources. If you are planning on coming, please register here:

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