loss of farmland

December 18th, 2011 by brooke

As some of you know my sister Ali is a producer of a live radio news show on KALW 91.7. The show is called Your Call and airs M-F from 10-11am. Every show is fascinating and compelling but specifically wanted to link to a show that aired last week because it addresses the issue of the fate of farmland and how land-use and zoning policy on a federal, state and local level affect the preservation or irretrievable loss of land. Apparently we lose 1 acre of farmland in this country every minute to development. It seems of utmost importance that we halt this trend soon because the rebuilding of resilient regional food systems is completely dependent on our shrinking arable land-base.
Tune in to the show.

photo overlooking Mount Davidson from Twin Peaks circa 1925, from the SF Public Library Archives

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